Поздравляем ученых ТОО «PlasmaSciens» и желаем им успешной работы над проектом

"Young in Science: Sources of Innovation and Fresh Ideas."

As a result of the latest grant funding competitions, PlasmaSciens LLP scientists Zarina Satbaeva and Merkhat Dautbekov won grants. Satbayeva Zarina won a grant in the amount of 89.5 million tenge for the implementation of the project “Study of the effect of helium plasma irradiation on the retention of hydrogen isotopes in various types of tungsten, promising for thermonuclear installations.” This project will not only expand our knowledge of fusion energy, but will also lead to the development of new technologies that improve efficiency and safety. Merkhat Dautbekov took part in a competition for grant funding for research by young scientists under the “Zhas Galym” project for 2024-2026. His project “Increasing the service life of power equipment parts operating under conditions of intense wear, erosion and corrosion at elevated temperatures” received a grant in the amount of 28.5 million tenge. This project is aimed at increasing the reliability and sustainability of energy equipment, which is a prerequisite for the development of energy infrastructure.

We congratulate the scientists of PlasmaSciens LLP and wish them successful work on the project!